Monday, December 23, 2013

driving lessons

my cousin was in town a couple of month ago. Just got his learners permit and had never driven a Stick. So I put him in the RPU, gave him a few pointers and we went cruising through Vallejo.
I was impressed with how fast he picked it up, especially with the tired 50 merc trans.

Website update

So the Yahoos at Yahoo deleted THOUSANDS  of business websites and emails, mine being one of them.  My old website is gone forever,  but my email works again you can also friend me on facebook Matt Seret. but I spend most of my time posting on Instagram under seretspeed
new website coming soon! not hosted by Yahoo

Oh and Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 22, 2013


my friend Red Fred ordered me this 4 speed overdrive for my Indian Chief! 68 mph here I come!!!

R.I.P. -- R.P.U.

pulled the fenders of the Roadster Pick Up, and swapped the bed for the backhalf of a 29 roadster.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

the sky is falling!!!!

Yahoo small business apparently is having some trouble, my wesite and business email are both offline, I would love to say when they will be back up. but yahoo is not taking calls at this time. at least that's the message I get after being on hold for 20 min.
So yes I am still in business (even though I haven't updated my website in 4 years) ps new website coming late winter (not hosted by a bunch of Hahoos, I mean assholes)
my phone is 707-363-2841 personal email
cheers -Matt